Welcome to my Tour Trunk page, I appreciate all of you coming here, but let me say this right off, Any and all “Indian” names, logos, symbols, tags or anything else are copyright and belong to “Indian”. They do not belong to me, Wayne Hagler, or to Heather’s Leathers. The use of, if any, are and were not authorized by the “Indian” company. That being said, I can no longer stamp, mark, or sell any item with the Indian Logo on them. Although, there may be some photos with The “Indian” name on the items, nothing on our web site, or made my Heather’s Leathers, is an officially authorized by Indian. Please do not ask me to place any Trademarked name or symbol on your products. Thank you for your understanding.
Well, got that out of the way, enjoy this page, as I will be updating much more in the very near future.